Actually, the Dead Are Not Dead: Una forma de Ser


Roma / Rroma (male, plural)
Romni / Rromni (female, singular)
Romnja/ Rromnja (female, plural)
Rom*nja / Rrom*nja (cross gender)

R... oder Rr...?
Both variants are correct. The spelling with double R derives from Romani, the language of the Rom*nja.

Sinto (male, singular)
Sinti (male, plural)
Sintiza (female, singular)
Sintize (female, plural)
Sinti*zze (cross gender)

Terms for Rom*nja communities
There are numerous ways in which we can categorize the designations of Roma communities ... Two basic ways are autonymous and exonymous ... An  autonymum is the name by which certain communities designate themselves; an exonymum ... is the name given by others. It is often difficult to determine whether a name is autonymous or exonymous because ... the term used by others may, in the course of time, become one used for more precise self-identification.

A basic ... and in its way all-inclusive autonymum is the ethnic name (ethnonymum) Rom. The Roma brought the name from India in a phonetic modification of the ethnic/caste term Dom. Although today, Roma living in various lands around the world use different "autonyma" for their societies (Sinti, Kale, Manouche, etc.), all acknowledge a common origin and basic identity with Roma ... The autonymum Sinti ... is used by members of an important Roma society, the greatest number of whom live in Germany.

When, in various world languages, people refer to Roma in general that is, to Roma society without any sort of internal differentiation ..., designations are used that are taken from two main appellative ...: Athingani and (E)giptoi.
The term Athingani has been modified to the Czech c/Cikán, the Slovak c/Cigán, the German Zigeuner, the Hungarian cigany, the Russian cygan, the Italian Zingari, the French Tsigane, etc. (E)giptoi is the origin of the English "Gypsy", the French Gitan, the Spanish Gitano, etc.
- ROMBASE / Mozes F. Heinschink, Michael Teichmann 2014

Since the 15th century, Zigeuner has been a term for population groups and individuals in the German-speaking world that has been proven to have a majority society and to which a way of life deviating from that of the majority society has been attributed ...Zigeuner contains sociological and biologist-racist elements. Sociographically it marks different social and ethnic groups whose way of life is seen as unsteady, deviant and delinquent ... The use of the term is [highly] problematic because it cannot be detached from the stereotypes it conveys and therefore has a discriminatory effect. Moreover, under National Socialism it was a racist category of persecution and thus a component of the persecution and extermination process. ...

In 1971, the first World Congress of the international civil rights movement of the Roma in London decided to replace the foreign term "Gypsy", which had previously been customary in English-speaking countries, as the overall term for members of the minority with the proper term Roma. On the recommendation of its Language Commission, the International Roma Union (IRU) adopted the resolution. The second international umbrella organisation of Roma organisations, the Roma National Congress (RNC), today also uses the term Roma as a collective term for the minority divided into numerous sub-groups (such as Spanish Calé, Hungarian Gabor, Eastern European, Scandinavian, American Kalderash, Lalleri, Lovara, Sinti).
- ROMARCHIVE / Karola Fings, Ulrich F. Opfermann 2018

Selection of self-designations of various Rom*nja groups

Cale (kalo, Romani: black), Spain, southern France. They speak para-Romani, a Romani ethnolect of Spanish. Professions: musicians and dancers (famous for flamenco performances) and horse traders.

Kale (kalo, Romani: black), Finland, Spain.

Kalderara / Kalderaš / Kerderara (caldare, Romanian: cauldron), originally makers and repairmen of cauldrons. They live in most of the countries of Europe and North and South America. Kalderaš is a Walachian dialect.

Lovara / Lovari (ló, Hung.: horse) originally horse traders. Almost all live in Europe and North and South America. Ethnosynonymum used locally in the Czech and Slovak Republics: Vlachi.

Manush (manush, Indian-Romani: human being), Sub-ethnic group closely related to German Sinti, France.

Servika Roma (Servi), 1: archaic syn. for Slovak Roma, traditionally settled Roma in Slovakia. It became an autonymum. Slovak Servika Roma do not have either language or seemingly any clan origin in common with Ukranian Servi. 2: Appellativum that Ungrika Roma (Hungarian Roma), the settled Hungarian minority of the southwestern region of Slovakia use for Roma speaking an almost identical ... dialect, but settling in ethnic Slovak surroundings (Klenovec, Hnúšta, etc.).

Sinti (uncertain etymology), distinctive sub-ethnic group of Roma living predominantly in Germany. Others in Italy, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, etc. Syn. Nemcika Roma (used by Roma in the Czech and Slovak Republics). A sub-group or closely related group.
- ROMBASE / Mozes F. Heinschink, Michael Teichmann, 2014

Gadscho, Gadžo, Gažo, Das, Gor
Gadscho (in Vlach dialects: Gadžo or Gažo), Das and Gor are the most common denominations for non-Roma ... It is assumed that Gadžo derives from the old-Indian g?rhya (domestic) and means, besides non-Rom, also farmer, villager, head of the house and husband. It is the most used term and known also by many non-Roma. Das (in particular Balkan group) derives from the old-Indian D?sa (slave) and corresponds to the Hindi denomination Dasa. Gor is used in some Romani variants of the central group (e.g.: Vend Roma). Besides these main forms there are a number of further synonyms with regional meanings.
- ROMBASE / Mozes F. Heinschink, Michael Teichmann, 2014

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